Jp Talty | Visual Artist

“No matter how much one may love the world as a whole, one can live fully in it only by living responsibly in some small part of it.”    

–Wendell Berry, 2003

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Email me!  Jp’s Resume

Jp Talty | Visual Artist

Hey! I’m Jp Talty. I live in NYC, work from a super cool studio in the Bronx, and play in the playgrounds of animation, graphic arts, poster design, video production, and art direction. 

I bring fresh eyes to every project I’m part of. I push brands into new places and tell stories in unexpected ways. My favorite stage of every process is the brainstorm. I’m passionate about using my art to serve interesting communities and causes, from local elementary schools to Rocket League regional competitions.

Over the past few years, I’ve created the original art direction for a 4-year multimedia theology project, invented a cartoon cat to teach children about 
back-to-school COVID safety, and livestreamed over 50 half-hour episodes of a web series about boxed mac ‘n cheese—complete with custom broadcast graphics.

The creative process is for everyone, not just “official” “artists” (whatever that means), and I’d be stoked to bring my playful, inventive approach to your or your organization’s process.

Pietro Damasceno | Manager

Hey there! I'm happy you're here.

I'm an entrepreneur and business strategist with a focus on freelance creatives and artists. I have a passion for helping creatives discover their value proposition, price their work accurately and confidently, and develop their sales strategy so they can build trust and drive value for their clients. 

I choose a simple philosophy: Clients on the other side of an email or phone call are real-life human beings. Not only do they have hopes and fears like me, but they're really quite interesting. In fact, everyone has a fascinating story about who they are and how they ended up here and now — it's just a matter of uncovering it.

Using proven methods and learnings from experts, I've helped creatives increase their revenue and grow their networks. Some have found their financial goals exceeded by 300%. Others have connected with new clients and built long-lasting relationships. I'd love to partner with you in making your creative work sustainable, profitable, and enjoyable. 

Reach out for creative partnerships, or to ask me to bug Jp if he hasn't responded to your email.

Wait, no, email ME!

What is Local Artist?

We are looking to work with businesses, nonprofits, and organizations in Jp’s local area — New York City, Harlem, and South Bronx. That’s because we believe that the best work comes from supporting the neighborhoods and communities that support us. 

As Wendell Berry puts it, “A good community insures itself by trust, by good faith and good will, by mutual help. A good community, in other words, is a good local economy.”

We try to get to know every client as a neighbor and friend. Our hope is to help more artists and creatives serve the people that surround them.